
Heart Attack Vaccine: Creation of a New Autoimmune Disorder

April 9, 2012 by admin in Vaccines with 4 Comments
Heart Injection

Graphic by JS Creationzs. Clickable link below article.

No level is too low for the vaccinators. Now, they’re close to a vaccine they purport will fight heart attacks by attacking LDL cholesterol—an absolutely necessary substance made by the body and carried in the blood to maintain health.

If you had antibodies against LDL cholesterol, then you would – by definition – have an autoimmune disease. Yet, that’s exactly what these researchers are doing:  intentionally creating an autoimmune disorder, like rheumatoid arthritis, through vaccinations.

The first report that I saw of it was on April 1st! I honestly thought it was an April Fool’s joke. But the joke is on us. The researchers are serious about it, and, of course, the news media are blithely going along with them by reporting it as a great breakthrough.

The LDL Cholesterol Vaccine

Researchers are expected to bring an anti-LDL cholesterol vaccine, which they’re calling a heart attack vaccine, to market within five years. At the initial presentation at the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2012 meeting in London for the vaccine, Professor Jan Nilsson told the attendees that this approach could “change the treatment landscape of heart disease” because it is “the first time they target the underlying cause of CVD”.

The vaccine, called CVX-210, is being developed by CardioVax in a collaboration of researchers from Lund University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California. It uses a peptide fragment of human apolipoprotein B-100 as the target for antibodies. The vaccine has already been studied in lab mice and found to reduce arterial plaques.

Now, they’re in the process of getting FDA approval to do clinical trials in humans.

Of course, the trials won’t look for a reduction in heart attacks. Instead, they’ll be looking for evidence of reduced arterial plaque or lowered LDL cholesterol levels. They’re calling arterial plaque the cause of heart attacks, but that’s far from reality, and would be laughable if if weren’t for the fact that they’re serious.

This vaccine is being developed in the face of overwhelming evidence that arterial plaques are not even a factor in the great majority of heart attacks. At least 60% of all heart attacks have nothing to do with arterial plaque. Even one of the two lead researchers, Professor Jan Nilsson, stated:

It should not be forgotten that 60 per cent of cardiovascular events continue to occur [in the absence of high cholesterol].

This fact alone should be enough to clarify that the current theory of heart attacks being caused by high cholesterol is wrong.

A report called “LDL Cholesterol: “Bad” Cholesterol, or Bad Science?” in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons noted:

No tightly controlled clinical trial has ever conclusively demonstrated that LDL cholesterol reductions can prevent cardiovascular disease or increase longevity.

Yet, this insane vaccine is being developed anyway. A vaccine that forces the body to create antibodies against cholesterol—a chemical absolutely necessary for good health, indeed, necessary for survival—is about to be tested on humans! Who cares about the science or people’s health? There’s money to be made!

They’re saying that it will be too costly to apply to everyone, but you can be fairly sure that there will be a major astroturf campaign to give people the impression that they need the vaccine or they’ll die from a heart attack.

Cholesterol, a Necessary Substance for Health

Cholesterol is not bad for you. It is not fat, though the common myth suggests that it is. It’s part of every cell membrane. It’s required to make bile, vitamin D, steroid hormones, such as aldosterone and cortisol, and sex hormones, including estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone. You can read more about it in Cholesterol Doesn’t Cause Heart Disease – And It Isn’t a Fat.

It should be obvious that creating antibodies to cholesterol is playing with your body’s ability to survive. Antibodies to cholesterol are nothing short of an autoimmune disorder.

To study treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, injections with collegan are used to simulate it in lab mice. It’s known that injecting the natural substance, collagen, will cause the creation of antibodies that attack the joints, which is the definition of rheumatoid arthritis. The only difference between injecting collagen and injecting bits of cholesterol is what part of the body the immune system will be triggered to attack.

Intentional Creation of an Autoimmune Disorder

There is no secret that injection of substances normally contained in the body can result in autoimmune disorders. In spite of that, these researchers are barreling ahead in development of a vaccine to make the body destroy its own cholesterol, a substance required for the health and even survival.

It will, of course, take some time before the effects of this autoimmune disease will be felt. With trials that last no more than a few weeks, there’s little likelihood that these adverse effects will come to light during them.

Money in Eye

Photo by b_imam77. (money symbols added) Creative Commons license. See b_imam77's photos, link below article..

Is it possible that the researchers are unaware of what they’re doing? When eyes are focused on money, it might be. But if so, it’s willful blindness. The creation of an autoimmune disorder, the obvious result of a vaccine against cholesterol, for the sake of profits is … well, reprehensible just doesn’t cover it.

This is not science. The so-called science of vaccines could be the definition of pseudo science. The vaccination industry is hell bent on producing and selling any poison for any purpose, as long as marketing can make it sound good so that it can line their pockets. Could anything else explain the intentional creation of a vaccine designed to produce an autoimmune disorder?

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  • http://twitter.com/VaccineRisks Vaccine Risks

    Excellent and thought provoking article.

    Big Pharma feeds  the  gross misinformation that cholesterol is linked to heart disease for one reason – to make money.

    They have already gone a long way along the cholesterol path of cynicism and deceit, pushing oral statins which are now destroying the health of thousands upon thousands worldwide.

    The industry is undoubtedly aware that statins are linked to increased risk of muscle and liver damage, impotency, miscarriages, cancer and a host of other conditions.

    Statins guarantee the industry thousands of future customers.

    This excellent article describes the cholesterol con:

    The gigantic lie that cholesterol is linked to heart disease will be intensified by the industry. They will  invest billions in unethical marketing  (and lesser amounts in their manipulated safety studies)  so that  their   ”attack cholesterol to prevent heart attacks vaccine”  can be pushed onto thousands of  healthy people –  to make them sick.

    Once again the industry will be guaranteed thousands of future customers.

    This is not only unethical and a disgrace. It is criminal.

  • Pingback: Proposed Cholesterol Vaccine Would Create a New Autoimmune Disorder | Health Impact News

  • Dr. T

    what a scary vaccine. LDL is necessary. by attacking LDL, we will see so many types of autoimmune diseases: neurological and hormonal. LDL is the basis for myelin, cell membranes and sex hormones.
    unfing believeable

  • DebbyBruck

    Keep writing your exposes on health research, myths, facts, and fraud, etc.  People must know. Give them a choice. Such a shame to waste good money on research that leads to auto-immune disease in healthy subjects if the theory doesn’t pan out.

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