Tourette’s-Like Outbreak in Girls of One School: Only Explanation Is HPV Vaccine.
In a LeRoy High School in LeRoy, New York, a group of girls has been stricken with a neurological nightmare. They’ve been afflicted with painful tics similar to those of Tourette’s syndrome. The cause hasn’t been identified, but some possibilities have been ruled out, leaving little to suspect other than the HPV vaccine.
Here is an early news report of the situation and the nature of what’s happening to these girls:
The following video is an update (12 Jan 2012). Note that they refuse to give a diagnosis and they claim to have considered everything—but there’s no mention of vaccines:
- Tourette’s is overwhelmingly a disease that afflicts boys, not girls. Only about 1 in 4 cases happens in a girl.
- It’s an exceedingly rare condition, estimated at only .05 – 2 percent of the population—between 1 in 2,000 and 2 in 100 people.
- Even when it does strike, it usually happens in young children aged 3-9 years, and most improve as they grow older. These girls were all stricken in their teens.
- The symptoms in girls are usually those of obsessive-compulsive behavior rather than nervous tics, but all of these girls are suffering from tics.
The condition has not been diagnosed. The state’s health department concludes only that it’s a mystery. They’ve ruled out environmental factors. No similarities have been found in terms of medications.
Let’s look at the odds of 8 girls in one school being afflicted with Tourette’s syndrome. Assuming the greatest estimated odds of a person of either sex being afflicted, 2%, the likelihood of 8 children in one location by chance coming down with it, and all within the same school year, would be astronomical. It would take a school of students larger than the world’s population for that to happen! Even considering the fact that such occurrences are not evenly distributed, the odds are so extreme that it’s reasonable to say it’s impossible. And that’s not considering the fact that it’s only girls who are being afflicted.
Andrew Hilberger, a neurologist of the United Memorial Medical Center, located in the same county as LeRoy High School, says that it’s virtually impossible for Tourette’s to be the cause of the girls’ afflictions. He also says:
A lot of the prescription medications for attention-deficit disorder will cause it, some anti-depressants will.
But, the official reports cannot find such a cause. The story came out in early November. In late November the official results from the New York Health Department came out. The cause couldn’t be found, and apparently there is no intention to investigate further.
The Probable Cause
The girls and their families are being left on their own to deal with a devastating neurological condition, one that doesn’t even have a name, other than being “like” Tourette’s.
So, what is likely to affect girls, but not boys? And what has suddenly become prevalent among girls, but not (yet) boys? There is a single answer to those questions: Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.
In the face of an obvious lack of interest in finding the cause and the fact that the HPV vaccine has been known to cause neurological damage, it should be clear that caution is in order:
- Cervical cancer, the excuse for the vaccine, is of very small risk to most women in industrial nations. It’s holds virtually no risk to teenage girls
- The vaccine has never been shown to prevent cancer, the supposed reason for its existence.
There cannot possibly be any legitimate justification for continuing the wholesale application of Gardasil to girls—and now to boys, too!—under these circumstances. Of course, the officials will look everywhere but at the vaccination program. That is sacrosanct.
In spite of no proof, the vaccination program, including Gardasil, has been labeled as safe, and officialdom is going to stick to that story no matter what. Reports of harm are simply discounted, when not outright hidden. No matter how many children and families are devastated, vaccines are untouchable.
No, we don’t know for certain that Gardasil caused the neurological damage these girls have suffered. But we have every reason to act on the assumption that it has.
The story out of LeRoy High School makes it absolutely clear that Big Pharma profits hold a far greater value than the lives of those girls.
- Neurologist Speaks About LeRoy H.S. “Tourettes”
- Tourette Syndrome
- Statistics
- Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet
- Update on LeRoy Tourettes Case part 2
- LeRoy schools warn parents about health concerns
- LeRoy Schools: No Further Comment on “Tourette’s”
Tagged big pharma, conventional medicine, hpv vaccine, pharmaceutical drugs, pharmaceuticals, tourette’s hpv vaccine, tourette’s syndrome, vaccine, vaccines
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