
Fluoride Reduces Intelligence: Is UK Planning to Dumb Down Citizens?

February 2, 2013 by admin in Science with 7 Comments

Water fluoridation uses human bodies as the repository of industry’s toxic fluoride wastes. It reduces intelligence. With its plan to fluoridate water in the face of evidence of immense harm, what conclusion can be drawn, other than that the UK is intentionally trying to dumb down its citizens? 

Chinese Boy Doing Backbend

Photo by Tony Trần

by Heidi Stevenson

In the face of growing evidence from science that fluoride causes brain damage and reduces intelligence, the United Kingdom goes forward with plans to fluoridate the nation’s water. The time has come to ask the question: Does the government intend to turn the United Kingdom into a nation of idiots?

A recent metastudy of fluoride’s neurotoxic effects on children in China demonstrates an almost-total agreement in study results. With only one exception out of 27 studies, fluoride damages intelligence[1]. The one exception found a tiny increase in intelligence, and even that was statistically insignificant.

The time is long past to declare what has been painfully obvious for many years:

Fluoride steals intelligence!

In support of their findings, the study pointed out that rats exposed to 1 ppm (part per million) of fluoride in water for one year were found to have changes in the brain’s form, plus increased levels of aluminum in brain tissue, which is a severe neurotoxin.

Other Studies on Other Kinds of Fluoride Damage

GreenMedInfo is a unique site that provides a host of research abstracts on studies related to health care from the natural world. A quick browse there found a wide array of harmful effects caused by fluoride:

And that’s just a sampling! The amount of harm produced by fluoride is massive. No area of the body is untouched.

Fluoride: A Nutrient?

The fact is that the human body has no use for fluoride or any other form of the element fluorine. By no stretch of the imagination is fluoride a nutrient.

Yet, we are now seeing governments and health agencies listing recommended daily allowances of fluoride in the diet! It’s being supplemented in salt now! Gaia Health discusses that in A Pinch of Fluoride in Your Salt?

Fluoride is more toxic, as clearly shown in this graphic from NoFluoride.com

Fluoride Toxicity Compared with Lead

How can anyone seriously suggest that adding this toxic chemical to water is beneficial?

Is the UK Planning to Dumb Down Its Citizens?

In the face of all this evidence, the UK is now moving forward with plans to fluoridate the nation’s water. Authority over water supply fluoridation is being moved from the national level to the local council level, which is the equivalent of a cross between county and state governments in the US. This sounds like it’s a move to give the local populace more control, but is, instead, exactly the opposite. There will be no requirement for a public consultation before implementing water fluoridation.

The amount of fluoride that may be added to water in the UK is 1 part per million, which is greater than the US’s Department of Health and Human Services new recommendation of 0.7 parts per million.

The UK’s Health Minister, Hazel Blears, and Environment Minister, Elliot Morley, discount the concerns of those who don’t want their water fluoridated in a letter stating:

Those who remain adamantly opposed would be able to use water filters that remove fluoride or buy bottled drinking water.[2]

Why not just say, “Let them eat cake!” There’s little difference in these officials’ suggestion. They intend to use the taxpayers’ money to force a toxic waste product on us all, except for those who can afford to avoid it. And how are parents to avoid their children’s drinking fluoride-laced water while in school? Not only must the taxpayer pay for this travesty, but then must find yet more money in avoiding fluoride’s toxicity to protect themselves and their children. But many can’t.

What conclusion can be drawn, other than that the UK is intentionally trying to dumb down its citizens?

It’s often stated that water fluoridation is forced mass medication. But it’s actually something else entirely:

Water fluoridation uses human bodies as the repository of their toxic fluoride wastes!

Still Time to Act!

There is still time to act. Please, let write to Andrew Lansley, the Secretary of State for Health, and tell him what you think. His address is:

Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall

You can also respond online here:  http://www.info.doh.gov.uk/contactus.nsf/memo?openform


  1. Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisEnvironmental Health Perspectives; Anna L. Choi, Guifan Sun, Ying Zhang, and Philippe Grandjean
  2. Concern over fluoride-added water plan
  3. England’s ‘water fluoridation functions’ to be passed to local authorities
  4. Anger over fluoride plans
  5. UK Councils Against Fluoridation

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  • paddy fields

    What is this rubbish about? Fluoride was banned from inclusion in Scottish water after a huge Court case led by Amer Anwar of Glasgow law firm Beltrami- Anwar. however it is put into water in the rest of the UK every day including the Irn Bru produced in Sunderland by A& G Barr

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      Not rubbish. I happen to be in Scotland and you’re right that water fluoridation in Scotland does not exist now. Do note, though, that the Scottish government has partly devolved from the UK government. The NHS here is not the same as that in England. We don’t have individual payments for our prescriptions, whereas they keep going up in England.

      Most of England does not currently fluoridate water, though some areas do.

      Perhaps this current UK push to fluoridate all UK water will be another thrust for Scottish independence? We’ll certainly have the advantage over the English in intelligence!

      • paddy fields

        Thanks for your reply. “rubbish” was ambiguous and meant as a comment about the legal position and not about the general content. For this I apologise.
        they may fluoridate in England but it cannot, now happen in Scotland,where I, too, live’
        Checkout my site http://www.thepaddyfieldsview.blogspot.co.uk for many articles including ones about fluoride


        • / Heidi Stevenson

          I’ve been trying to find out more about this court case. Sadly, there’s little about it on the ‘net. However, what I’ve found doesn’t leave me exactly comfortable that we’re safe here in Scotland. This report seems to indicate that it’s still possible for fluoride to be added.

  • Oscar

    Heidi Stevenson,
    In the next paragraph “The amount of fluoride that may be added to water in the UK is 1 part
    per million, which is lower than …of 0.7 parts per million.”, perhaps you meant “0.1 ppm” or perhaps “greater than 0.7″

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      Thank you, Oscar! It should have read “greater than 0.7″. That’s the problem with doing your own editing – a tendency to read what you meant, not what you wrote! I’ve now corrected it.

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