
EU to Lower GM Rules in Face of Study Showing Immense Harm

September 26, 2012 by admin in Politics with 4 Comments

The EU’s rules on genetically modified crops are about to be weakened, allowing the concept of ‘substantial equivalence’ to become the standard, thus allowing virtually any GM crop to be approved virtually automatically.

EU Commission as Fistby Heidi Stevenson

In the face of a study demonstrating enormous harm from Monsanto’s corn and glyphosate pesticide, the European Union (EU) is going ahead with plans to weaken regulations on genetically modified crops. In spite of the fact that the existing measure was democratically defined in legislation and the EU Environmental Council demanded in 2008 that GMO safety measures be tightened, the EU Commission is going ahead with plans that Earth Open Source says:

… fatally weakens the way genetically modified (GM)foods are assessed for safety. …

… [T]he standards in the new Regulation, currently in draft form, are too weak to protect human and animal health and the environment from the effects of GM crops.

Here’s what the EU Commission intends to do:

  • Use the concept of “substantial equivalence”, which would be the end of genuine risk assessments. This is how it’s now done in the US, where nothing more than statements that a genetically engineered crop is “substantially equivalent” to an existing crop clears the way for its approval. In fact, in the US, it is now tantamount to approval. Until recently, it at least served to slow the approval process. Now, though, a simple declaration of substantial equivalence—which is based on whatever the USDA chooses to base it on—results in automatic approval of a genetically engineered crop. This would contravene the EU’s GMO Regulation 1829/2003
  • The assessment of “substantial equivalence” is further weakened by allowing the introduction of irrelevant information, which can confuse the picture. This would contravene the EU’s GMO Regulation 2001/18—not to mention being contrary to good scientific practice.
  • No long term feeding trials would be required, a disastrous rule, as clearly shown by the photo of the rat below.
Rat with Tumors

Rat with massive tumors that was fed on Monsanto’s corn. (Photo from CRIIGEN.)

The so-called European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been lobbying for short term feeding trials, claiming that 90 days is a sufficient length of time to discover whether such foods result in any harms. Feeding genetically modified corn, which is currently used in the EU to feed animals, causes tumors like those in the rat pictured to the left. As was learned during a study that lasted the lifetime of rats, such tumors do not show up during the proposed 90-day trials. 

And the EU Commission plans to go forward with this loosening of the rules!

There will be no Parliamentary scrutiny of the proposed loosening of regulations. The EU Commission, acting as a dictator, intends to hold closed-door sessions about the changes sometime during the next few weeks. They do not even intend to let the public know when they’ll be held!

It’s obvious that the European Union (EU) is not a democratic organization, and it does not exist for the benefit of the people. Although there is a Parliament, which is intended to be responsive to the people, the fact is that the Commission has taken power. It is equivalent to a dictator. There isn’t even the pretense of voting. The Commissioner is appointed.

The EU’s constitution enshrines corporate personhood. The results of such an anti-people standard is clear in the face of this plan to place the people of Europe completely at the whim of Agribusinesses like Monsanto, BASF, and Syngenta. Their only concern is profits, and they will have them at the cost of a scorched earth because the EU Commission is entirely in their pocket.


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  • ZaPato

    We should go to war against these scam! Lets open again Auschwitz, Dachau and treblinka put inside all the politicians and feed them with GMO’s !!

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/David-Salter/620346940 David Salter

    I understand that the huge dinosaur of modern politics can often take a lot of time to change course, once an objective has been set, but surely, in the light of this new study it would be completely insane to relax the GMO regulations. Not that sanity has ever been a prerequisite to becoming a politician, but I really think they will come to their senses quite soon. If not, then a lot of people are going to get behind this.

    • Southernbelle

      This is not NEW information. Monsanto’s researchers revealed the harmful effects of GMOs from the beginning and Monsanto ignored them and lied that they were safe. Bee keepers who had kept records and research on their hives for 15 years proving that GMOs were killing the bees had their hives AND research stolen while they were not at home. The FDA claimed that the bees were confiscated because they were contaminated with a virus and the beekeeper couldn’t prove differently because they had been confiscated. Another research company which had concluded that GMOs were causing tumors, birth defects, sterilization, etc was bought out by Monsanto to shut them up. The US congress and FDA has been bought off by Monsanto, and obviously so has EU. Obama’s czar overseeing our food safety used to be a big shot with Monsanto, Vice President or something to that effect. GMO corn actually has DNA to produce a pesticide so that anything that eats it is killed by the pesticide. I guess they weren’t smart enough to figure out that humans would be harmed by the pesticide also. I read labels and don’t buy ANYTHING that has corn in any shape or form, or anything with modified on the list of ingredients. Maltodextrin, and dextrin can be from corn, so I avoid those. Unfortunately, beef, poultry, and pig are all fed corn and soy (as well as our dogs, cats, and other pets), so I buy grass fed beef and meats and eggs that are labeled organic when possible. Unfortunately, most people can’t afford to do this, so our world is screwed.

      • Sarah

        Completely true, Monsanto is a very nasty company, everyone should look into their past, present and future – it is truly shocking. I also only buy organic after finding out about Monsanto. What can we do about it? That is what I along with many many others are trying to find out. David v Goliath.

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