
GM Cabbage with Scorpion Poison Coming Soon

June 25, 2013 by admin in GMOs with 46 Comments

Agribusiness is in a mad rush to take over the earth, and seems willing to stop at nothing. Coming soon is cabbage with scorpion poison engineered in every cell. Of course, they claim it’s safe and will result in less pesticide use, but history and logic say otherwise. Who will wake from the insane mating between Agribiz and GMOs?

Man with Scorpion

GMO: Agribusiness Puts Us All in Bed with Scorpions. Who Will Wake Up from This Match?

by Heidi Stevenson

Get ready for genetically engineered cabbages that come complete with their own scorpion poison, just for you to eat. It’s touted as requiring less pesticide use and being, of course, completely safe. Close investigation, though, indicates that neither claim is likely true.

A pesticide made with scorpion poison genetically engineered into a virus was first tested back in 1994. Interestingly, the scientists who sprayed the test field wore full body suits to protect them from this “harmless” poison. One must wonder at just how safe it could be when the developers themselves don’t trust it more than that! Of course, the head of the trial, Professor David Bishop, insisted that the trial was safe—though he himself opted to take a vacation, rather than be there for it.

In the newer incarnation of scorpion poison genetic engineering, genes from the scorpion, Androctonus australus hector, for production of poison are being genetically engineered into cabbages. The goal is to produce them for public consumption. With the FDA’s history of rubberstamp approvals for genetically modified crops, it seems unlikely that anything will interfere with their production and entry into a supermarket near you.

Let’s examine the justifications given for this never-to-be-found-in-nature cabbage-scorpion chimera:

1. It will result in the use of less pesticide.

At first blush, this seems to make sense. But it’s specious reasoning. The reality is that, instead of spraying pesticides onto the plants, the plants will contain them in every single cell. The result is that the pesticide will end up in the bodies of people who eat the cabbage. Thus, human beings will become the unofficial pesticide sinks, instead of the environment. I suppose there’s a plus in that, but I do not personally intend to be one of those pesticide sinks. Do you?

2. It’s completely safe.

Where have we heard that before? In this instance it stems from two things:

  • The scorpion venom has been modified so that it won’t hurt humans: This isn’t quite true. What they’ve done is select a section of the genome  that codes for a toxin, called AAiT, which is known to be poisonous to insects.
  • A study that purports to show that it does no harm to humans[2]: Well … not exactly. The human testing was not performed on live people, nor was it performed on normal healthy cells. It was tested on MCF-7 breast cancer cells—not exactly normal human cells. Do you find that comforting? I certainly don’t.

Will Frankencabbages Be Effective At Stopping Pests?

This is, of course, the real issue, because it’s why farmers Agribusiness would want it. That could prove to be a problem. According to the study on AAiT’s toxicity against insect cells, the toxicity is greatly limited by ingestion. The authors wrote:

[L]ow toxicity with an LC50 of 18.4 μM was recorded in artificial diet incorporation assay in which the toxin was consumed by the testing insect through feeding. We suggested that this might be a result of toxin degradation by digestion.[2]

The LD50—the point at which 50% of the insects die—was recorded at only 0.13 μM when AAiT was applied directly. They found a difference of “2 orders of magnitude” when the toxin was directly applied instead of ingested. That’s a huge difference—and would tend to suggest that the scorpion toxin won’t be all that effective in the plants, since it must be ingested by insects. So, in all likelihood, sprays will still be used.

Will this matter to the buyers of Frankencabbage seeds? It’s hard to say, but the history of these products would tend to indicate a remarkable gullibility. Consider that production has never been much better in genetically engineered seeds, and when it has, it’s tended to deteriorate over time.[3] The legacy of Roundup Ready, glyphosate-resistant, crops has been superweeds that not only are resistant to glyphosate, but grow much bigger and faster than the original weeds.

Keep in mind, also, that the use of genetically modified seeds tends to come with codicils that lock the buyer, and even subsequent users of the land, into buying nothing else.

Perhaps, ultimately, it will be the Frankenseeds themselves that destroy Agribusiness! They’re locked into a system that is proving not to work. The real question, then, is whether they’ll destroy the earth—and us—before they’ve destroyed themselves.

The concern posited by the image at the top of the page is serious: Once Agribusiness got into bed with recombinant DNA produce, they made a bargain with the devil. Ultimately, it seems unlikely that even Agribusiness will wake up from their attempt to take over the earth.


  1. Scorpion pesticide test goes ahead: Scientists undeterred by fresh evidence about potency of virus
  2. Recombinant scorpion insectotoxin AaIT kills specifically insect cells but not human cells
  3. Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest

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  • / Heidi Stevenson

    That’s precisely what my article says when it references that link: “A pesticide made with scorpion poison genetically engineered into a virus was first tested back in 1994.”

    The next paragraph goes on to state: “In the newer incarnation of scorpion poison genetic engineering, genes from the scorpion, Androctonus australus hector, for production of poison are being genetically engineered into cabbages.”

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  • LaRae Bailey

    they will not be happy until all the food is unfit to eat for one reason or another

    • disqus_xp4GYx7DZk

      Bingo! THAT is the WHOLE idea….

  • BrownHorn

    Who is storing the seeds [non GM but natural] for the sake of future generations?

    • elfmom55

      Look up “doomsday seed vaults”. These so called elites THINK they have covered their butts.

  • DragonTat2

    You think the cabbage plant might absorb the pesticide? People eat cabbage raw.

  • / Heidi Stevenson

    Agribusiness: Agriculture conducted on commercial principles, esp. using advanced technology.

    Corporate farming.

    Rapacious raping of the earth for profits.

    if you read the article, you realize that the point isn’t just about a single product, but about the industry as a whole.

  • Mr Nibbs

    This is terrifying … one wonders whether governments aren’t doing this on purpose to reduce the population of mankind. Didn’t think I’d ever agree with Bob Mugabe but years ago he told agribusiness where they could shove their GMO crops.

    • tamarque

      There are people in the govt and the corporate world who totally believe in genocide and euthanasia. Shades of the Nazi Aryan race still with us (it never left us). Vaccines are seen as a method to ‘control reproduction,’ and GMO’s are envisioned to include vaccines. Not too many dots to connect here.

      Then there are the people who think they are better than others and only care about their own power. If others suffer from what these sociopaths do, well they deserve it for some unknown reason. They are poor because they are unworthy. They are not educated because they don’t know how to fight for themselves. Oh, they need money to do that. Well, it is their fault they were born into poor or working class family or middle class families that don’t pay attention, blah, blah, blah. Sounds like the protestant ethic: another reactionary concept still with us.

      But if corporations can use people as their economic frontier, making fortunes off them while sickening and killing them, then that just shows how brilliant and deserving they are.

      People need to stop feeling inhibited about calling these people out directly. People need to stop believing that all people are see the world as they do. These sociopaths really live in another world with totally different values–or total lack of any.

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  • Pingback: GM Cabbage with Scorpion Poison Coming Soon | Agitations

  • wwlee4411

    Eat up. It’s good for you! NOT!

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  • / Heidi Stevenson

    I seriously doubt that my use of the term Agribusiness leaves any question as to what’s meant!

    The development appears to be in China, which could be worse, because we’re losing our right to know the country from which our food comes. (This is happening as a result of a lawsuit against the US by biotech corporations. It’s currently in the WTO.) So, I cannot tell you a company name.

    By the way, I do not consider any agriculture on a large scale to be organic. The concept of growing food on such a large scale can only be destructive to the term – as is already clear by the watering down of the USDA organic label.

    • MAL3313

      What you mean by agribusiness is ambiguous to me and I suspect many of your readers. If I wanted to write a letter of protest I couldn’t very well address it to “agribusiness”. You don’t consider large scale food growing organic. I never said it was. Your note that the development appears to be in China prompts me to inquire , is that who Professor Bishop is working for? What university is he a professor at? The information was fascinating but you didn’t finish the article.

      • / Heidi Stevenson

        If that was your intent, why didn’t you say so? You gave no such indication, instead implying that the article and term Agribusiness are inadequate.

        If you wanted to know who Bishops works for, you could have asked. You did not.

        Sorry you don’t believe that the article was finished – and also that you didn’t note that Bishop’s involvement was back in 1994 and had nothing to do with cabbage. But I cannot please everyone. The article had a point to make, and made it. It was not intended to provide all the info you demand.

  • Darlene Buckingham

    Start a community seed bank now!

  • Pingback: GM Cabbage with Scorpion Poison Coming Soon | Truth Feed

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  • Suzie Bod-Kiss

    They did it in Hungary Burned the lot. Hope all countries will do the same

  • Pingback: GM Cabbage with Scorpion Poison Coming Soon | Pakalert Press

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  • Mick McNulty

    It is compounds similar to this compound taken from scorpion venom, such as snake and spider bites, jellyfish and plant stings etc, which are combined to produce cocktails deadly in minute quantities, which are then synthesized to produce chemical neuro-toxins like Sarin. Organo-phosphates whether natural or synthesized produce herbicides, insecticides and chemical warfare weapons.
    Scorpion venom can have over two hundred compounds in it but they might want just two or three which act on vital processes like heartbeat and breathing, and then take a few more from a black widow bite and so on.
    This cabbage becomes chemical warfare with food, but are we the targets?

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  • Clare Reading

    scorpions eat crickets – not cabbage.

  • flowerchild1963

    oh, good grief.

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  • Pingback: GM Cabbage with Scorpion Poison Coming Soon

  • / Heidi Stevenson

    Aren’t you the clever one! Of course, you clearly have absolutely nothing to offer the discussion, so please, take your little self off to bed and leave the grown-ups to address the serious issues.

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  • Reasoniam

    I don’t know why these discussions of food always bring to mind Soylent Green. Maybe they’re just pumping this stuff into us bit by bit to make us the ultimate pure and nutritious food source? Yeah funny now just like flying and going to the moon or robots, clones Frank’s Monster.

  • jajaja57

    It’s scorpion poison, hello, shouldn’t be touching poison

  • gmo2ashes

    The writing on the wall is clear. Engaging in protests, carrying signs, signing petitions, nor writing your reps – none of these options ever does any good to prevent the assault on the food chain. Soon all organic crops will be contaminated with GMOs beyond repair. The only solution for survival is a grassroot movement of citizens who actively seek out and BURN the GMO crops in the field wherever they are found. This is already happening in Oregon USA, Haiti, Hungary and elsewhere. Let us hope the trend continues full steam ahead.

  • Jen

    What is the timeline for this? And where is the backup info for the timeline? Cautioning about something in the future is one thing, but alerting of something coming on xx date is good information to have. Do we have a “release” date for this GM cabbage?

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      What??? First you ask what the timeline is, and then you demand that the timeline you demanded – which has never been presented – be backed up, and then you base your attack on the implication that the unanswered question states a specific date, which has never been stated.

      And then, you go back and ask if there’s a “release” date.

      For crying out loud! There is never a timeline on GM releases. There is the hope on the part of the developer, and nothing more. In this case, the product is being developed in China and not even a hoped-for date has been “released”, so I’m sure you can find it in yourself to forgive not knowing the answer to your question/demand.

      But you do realize, don’t you, that because of treaties, it will not be long before it’s illegal to label foods’ country of origin? (The US is being sued for it in the WTO right now, and because the US has signed treaties, the US is most likely going to lose.) And, of course, the FDA has declared it illegal to label foods as non-GMO – and no one’s going to label it as being GMO.

      When this stuff will be on the market, I don’t know. But I’d rather be aware that it’s coming than be in the dark. Wouldn’t you?

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  • Jonathan Kent

    The references you provide relate to a spray, trialled on cabbages and further testing in China without any reference to cabbages and a third that doesn’t mention cabbages or scorpion toxin. You seem to have turned all these into a single story that I can’t find based in fact.
    This kind of ‘journalism’ makes it very hard for those of us trying to fight GM. We need to go armed with facts and not fantasies

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      Before you make such a comment, you should read the article.

      The first reference refers to testing scorpion poison as a pesticide – as the article states.

      The second one backs up the information given about the particular part of the scorpion poison in use for genetic engineering – as the article states.

      The third reference supports the lack of effectiveness of genetically engineered crops, as the article discussed.

      If that’s not good enough for you, then I’m sorry. But nothing in the article misrepresents the reality. These cabbages genetically engineered with scorpion poison are being developed in China.

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