
Does the Pentagon Plan to Delete the God Gene?

April 4, 2012 by admin in Featured, Vaccines, Videos with 0 Comments

If you haven’t seen this video about the Pentagon’s plan to eliminate religious fanaticism in the middle east by using a vaccine against the God Gene, take a look. Do you think it’s real or a spoof?

After watching, you can read the definitive answer below the video.



Brains from Pentagon God Gene VideoReal or Spoof?

There are a few clues along the way, but there is one definitive mistake demonstrating that the video is a spoof. Look at this image of the brains that the speaker says come from two different people.

Brains are a bit like fingerprints, in that each person’s is different. You’ll notice, though, that these two images are identical. They did not come from different people. They’re copies of the same image of a single brain from a single person.

The Pentagon God Gene video is a very clever spoof.

There are other clues. The next most obvious one is the name of the project, given at the very end: FUNVAX.

Then there’s an indication by the speaker that a CT scan could produce the equivalent of a functional MRI scan, which is not true.

The suggestion that a gene could simply be eliminated with no effect beyond ending religious fanaticism is not feasible. The particular gene in question, the VMAT2 gene—which is, indeed, sometimes called the God Gene—performs a wide array of functions. If a vaccine were to target it for elimination, then a gene vital to several functions would be removed. That would most likely result in the death of the person, which, I suppose, could also qualify as eliminating religious fanaticism—but that does seem contrary to the intent described in the video.

There are certainly other mistakes. Do you have any thoughts on it? Or, perhaps, do you think the video portrays something that the Pentagon is actually planning?


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