
Tourette’s-Like Outbreak in Girls of One School: Only Explanation Is HPV Vaccine.

December 28, 2011 by admin in Vaccines with 43 Comments
Pharma: Breaking people for profits!

Painting by Gina Tyler, with left edge of her image faded & words added. (Graphic is a link to Gina Tyler's site.) The painting is how Gina sees Henry Kissinger, and the words … well, if he didn't say them, he certainly could have. He is all about profits, no matter what the cost.

In a LeRoy High School in LeRoy, New York, a group of girls has been stricken with a neurological nightmare. They’ve been afflicted with painful tics similar to those of Tourette’s syndrome. The cause hasn’t been identified, but some possibilities have been ruled out, leaving little to suspect other than the HPV vaccine.

Here is an early news report of the situation and the nature of what’s happening to these girls:


The following video is an update (12 Jan 2012). Note that they refuse to give a diagnosis and they claim to have considered everything—but there’s no mention of vaccines:

Though this report indicates that six girls are involved, others indicate more than that, with a minimum of eight involved. There are too many anomalies for these girls to be suffering from Tourette’s:

  • Tourette’s is overwhelmingly a disease that afflicts boys, not girls. Only about 1 in 4 cases happens in a girl.
  • It’s an exceedingly rare condition, estimated at only .05 – 2 percent of the population—between 1 in 2,000 and 2 in 100 people.
  • Even when it does strike, it usually happens in young children aged 3-9 years, and most improve as they grow older. These girls were all stricken in their teens.
  • The symptoms in girls are usually those of obsessive-compulsive behavior rather than nervous tics, but all of these girls are suffering from tics.

The condition has not been diagnosed. The state’s health department concludes only that it’s a mystery. They’ve ruled out environmental factors. No similarities have been found in terms of medications.

Let’s look at the odds of 8 girls in one school being afflicted with Tourette’s syndrome. Assuming the greatest estimated odds of a person of either sex being afflicted, 2%, the likelihood of 8 children in one location by chance coming down with it, and all within the same school year, would be astronomical. It would take a school of students larger than the world’s population for that to happen! Even considering the fact that such occurrences are not evenly distributed, the odds are so extreme that it’s reasonable to say it’s impossible. And that’s not considering the fact that it’s only girls who are being afflicted.

Andrew Hilberger, a neurologist of the United Memorial Medical Center, located in the same county as LeRoy High School, says that it’s virtually impossible for Tourette’s to be the cause of the girls’ afflictions. He also says:

A lot of the prescription medications for attention-deficit disorder will cause it, some anti-depressants will.

But, the official reports cannot find such a cause. The story came out in early November. In late November the official results from the New York Health Department came out. The cause couldn’t be found, and apparently there is no intention to investigate further.

The Probable Cause

The girls and their families are being left on their own to deal with a devastating neurological condition, one that doesn’t even have a name, other than being “like” Tourette’s.

So, what is likely to affect girls, but not boys? And what has suddenly become prevalent among girls, but not (yet) boys? There is a single answer to those questions: Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.

In the face of an obvious lack of interest in finding the cause and the fact that the HPV vaccine has been known to cause neurological damage, it should be clear that caution is in order:

  • Cervical cancer, the excuse for the vaccine, is of very small risk to most women in industrial nations. It’s holds virtually no risk to teenage girls
  • The vaccine has never been shown to prevent cancer, the supposed reason for its existence.

There cannot possibly be any legitimate justification for continuing the wholesale application of Gardasil to girls—and now to boys, too!—under these circumstances. Of course, the officials will look everywhere but at the vaccination program. That is sacrosanct.

In spite of no proof, the vaccination program, including Gardasil, has been labeled as safe, and officialdom is going to stick to that story no matter what. Reports of harm are simply discounted, when not outright hidden. No matter how many children and families are devastated, vaccines are untouchable.

No, we don’t know for certain that Gardasil caused the neurological damage these girls have suffered. But we have every reason to act on the assumption that it has.

The story out of LeRoy High School makes it absolutely clear that Big Pharma profits hold a far greater value than the lives of those girls.


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  • Anonymous

    Would help to explain why its the HPV vaccine that this article suspects. Firstly had all eight girls had the vaccine?
    Then how soon before the symptoms appeared and what other symptom changes were there. As it stands it all sounds a but speculative

    • Anonymous

      It is speculative. It’s meant to be – and to bring out the fact that we are not going to get the whole story. They are not going to look into the HPV vaccine. It’s untouchable. But everything else was ruled out – and the symptoms these girls are experiencing are known to be caused by the HPV vaccine. Therefore, unless it’s ruled out, it needs to be ruled in as a potential cause. And, at this point, it appears to be the only potential cause left.

      • Anonymous

        Hi Heidi

        Do we know what the Tourette’s symptoms might be, another thread suggested there were Tic’s. Homeopathically this made me think on AGARICUS MUSCARUS as a remedy and this would fit in with the time line of the young women, being at the point of adult hood. It is also an acute of NATRUM MUR which is a common remedy in teenagers.
        Cetainly would be good to know a bit more about the 8 women and is always useful to get a picture of drug reactions

        • Anonymous

          The symptoms are primarily severe, painful, and constant tics. Yes, it would be helpful to learn more – but that’s just what seems to be avoided. However, if you watch the video, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what’s going on in those girls.

      • Anonymous

        No one has to take the HPV. It is sure strange out of the thousands of girls who have taken this, the only girl who have come down with this are at one school?????

        • Anonymous

          This is not the only place where girls are getting such symptoms. They are symptomatic of neurological problems, and neurological problems are typical of this vaccine. They belong to a group of symptoms that are often called PANDAS, and are may be associated with vaccines.

    • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_MCGII7NY67F56IGCUFOGT72ATA pawel

      all the girls have something in common but its not being released to the public or the parents….gardisil may be that common denominator

  • Anonymous

    Excellent article which asks questions about a possible link between Gardasil and tics. There are many unanswered questions regarding Gardasil (and other vaccines!). It is imperative to investigate and to continue asking questions until they have all been satisfactorily answered.

    Tics may be caused by aluminium poisoning.

    One possible explanation of a link between tics and Gardasil is that the vaccine contains neurotoxic aluminium.

    The vaccine also contains an emulgent, polysorbate 80/Tween 80 which lowers surface tension and increases permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

    (This property of emulgents is used in brain targeting. In special injections emulgents are present to facilitate for example passage of psychiatric or chemo drugs through the barrier in order to enhance contact with brain tissue).

    The function of polysorbate in Gardasil is to increase miscibility of the fluid. Unfortunately however its presence may facilitate the passage of substances including aluminium through the barrier into the brain.

    Aluminium accumulates in brain tissue. The girls presenting tics symptoms had no doubt a certain amount of aluminium lodged in their brain tissue prior to vaccination.

    It is possible that the vaccine has contributed towards increasing the aluminium load and in some cases has resulted in “overloading”.

    It should certainly be questioned whether tics may be a result of aluminium overloading in the brain tissue.

  • Anonymous

    Not to hard to figure out here, its the vaccines!

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=644310303 Robert Mongar

    I am hardly an advocate of large Pharmaceutical companies, but this article is a disgrace.

    Could you report more like Fox news?

    You have provided absolutely no evidence- statistical or otherwise- that there is any link between the girls, the condition and the vaccine. You are using the suffering of these girls to bring attention to your personal war on Corporate America.

    Please note that I support your cause entirely, however, making accusation without backing them up with facts does not help.

    • carise99

      Have you ever read an insert from a vaccine manufacturer (that is the folded up piece of paper inside the box that the vial comes in)?! I bet you haven’t. You just line up and stick out your arm, don’t ask any questions. You can find copies of inserts from the vaccine manufacturers, pick a vaccine, any vaccine, you’ll be HORRIFIED at the listed ingredients. African green monkey kidney, anyone?

  • http://www.desireerover.nl Desiree Rover

    There is no doubt that these symptoms are Tourette’s syndrome, a very well known effect of vaccination, actually documented in thousands of medical scientific articles according to dr. Viera Scheibner who has extensilvely researched the subject and is about to publish a book on Tourrette’s syndrome.

  • Pingback: Tourette’s-Like Outbreak in Girls of One School: Only Explanation Is HPV Vaccine. | SaneVax

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_6YQEBMDXAOWUDOGLSOURQMJSWE Hhhhmmmmm

    I have to say this is a big warning to all of us. We need to question vaccinations and how they are made and even more how are tested. I realize the evidence is circumstantial right now but 12 girls have been injured and may be for the rest of their lives. Is it really worth taking a chance. If you consider how many claims are in litigation right now I would side with extreme cation than side with greedy Pharmaceutical companies.

  • Anonymous

    OK here is a questions to all of you, IF this were the case that the vacine is the cause why would it only be affecting 8 girls in one school district?? Why are there not other cases or concerns in the US. Come on 8 young ladies in one area please people wake up! I have young girls they have both had this vacine and I only live 2 towns over… Has to be something that is in the water, or something else in that town that is affecting these girls.

    • Anonymous

      In fact, these same symptoms have been happening elsewhere – they just haven’t called it Tourette’s.

      As to why those 8 girls and not others? Simple – they’re more susceptible. Just as with any disease, not everyone is affected.

      • Anonymous

        There has been no other publicity regarding this, and 8 girls in one community makes one wonder.. I don’t disagree with you, but the numbers are truth and 8 girls in that small town is un heard of…

        • Anonymous

          The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has reports of cases of tics from the Gardasil vaccine.

    • Anonymous

      Although this suggests only 8 girls have been affected, you can find hundreds more on a website truthaboutgardasil.org. My daughter had very similar symptoms after she received the 3 vaccines. She also started having seizures. Trust me, it’s not in the water and it is something that TOTALLY disrupts your teens life and your entire family. Listening to this newsfeed broke my heart. As time goes by, and doing the correct things to help your daughter, it gets better. Worse two years of our lives. There are also groups on FB if you are interested in researching Gardasil and the damage it has done to thousands of girls. Check the VAERS report on Gardasil. My heart goes out to these families. ..

    • carise99

      There are batches of vaccines that are worse than others. Actually, considering they are ALL female and in the same area, it makes an even greater case for the vaccine being the culprit. Vaccines have NEVER been proven to work, there are NO long term studies on their efficacy or safety or the safety of the combination of chemicals contained within a single vaccine.

  • Anonymous

    Has anyone considered the theory that these girls were actually mocking one or two girls who actually HAVE Tourette’s Syndrome? There is a lot of rumor going around town that this is the case. Instead of being suspended for bullying, they continued to “act” like they had Tourette’s – never expecting this to make national news. If you as a parent had an ACTUAL diagnosis of Tourette’s for your child – wouldn’t you be willing to SHARE this with other parents so their children could be tested and research the possible bad vaccine? Please – don’t be so quick to believe all the hype – this may end up being a very bad hoax.

    • Anonymous

      No one has a diagnosis of Tourette’s. None of them have anything but the symptoms.

      Do you really believe that someone could fake a tic on a constant basis, day after day after day?

  • Anonymous

    I heard one of the dad’s on the news this morning indicating that his daughter went from normal to flailing arms and screaching. A representative of the CDC said that they have information to lead them to believe it is not an isolated health problem, but he was not able to put a name to it. Several years ago my mother had a similar condition; she was 60 years of age and began having twitches, followed by her legs giving out. Her doctor hospitalized her to do some tests, overnight she went from being very normal to arms flailing and screaming.

    The doctors thought it must be somehow related to breast cancer which she had two years earlier or MS. For the next two years she remained hospitalized and her Oncologists and Neurologists continued to test for these two conditions and any others, but could not find any relationship. The only other possible connection discussed was a ‘flu vacine’ that she had within the month prior to her developing the condition. Over the next several months my mother’s body shut down…..she lost her ability to speak, her sight, her mobility and then finally her ability to swallow and had a feeding tube inserted.

    When she died, two years after being hospitalized, her death certificate indicated cause of death-primary pneumonia and secondarily MS. I later had the occasion to consult her Neurologist on a condition and he asked if we had done an autopsy on my mother (which we had not-we thought the information on the death certificate was accurate). He went on to say that he never thought her death was related to MS and they couldn’t find any relationship to her prior cancer. He commented that they named MS on the death certificate because they couldn’t put a diagnosis to her condition.

    I wanted to share this because the father’s description of his daughter, and the other girls who were affected, sounded so similar to my mother’s ‘unreal’, overnight change in condition. I was also struck by the CDC representative’s comments that the girls condition is not isolated but could not be named. To this day we believe my mother’s condition was somehow related to the flu vaccine that she had, but we have no specific findings. An interesting side note…..the hospital, the primary medical institution in our state, kept her in a private room for two years and her Oncologists and Neurologists treated and continued testing her condition over that period and we were never billed by the hospital or the doctors for any of her care.

    • Anonymous

      I’m so sorry to hear of what happened to your mother – and very appreciative that you’ve shared the information with us. Thank you.

      • Anonymous

        Thank you, I shared the information in hopes it would be helpful and the outcome for the girls is much more favorable. The doctor’s kept insisting it was the cancer or MS and we listened to them rather than challenging their thinking.

  • Anonymous

    Notice how this official was not able to account for the small group- what less than 12 he said?- because it was such a small group?

    Interesting how a different official can come out and declare a new strain of Swine Flu for…what was that? 12 People.

  • Anonymous

    OMG. This sounds very similar to what my daughter went through 2 years ago. Her neck would jerk, her arms and legs were like they had a mind of their own. We connected it to the HPV vaccine once we found several other girls on the web with similar symptoms. Fatigue was also something she dealt with, along with seizures. Drs at the ER and hosptial ran every test you can imagine.. nothing stood out. Lots of money and even more heartache. Worst two years of our lives. My prayers go out to these families. These side effects ARE listed in the flyer that comes with the Gardasil vaccine. Google it.

    • Anonymous

      Thank you for your testimonial. We need to get these stories out!

      • Anonymous

        I blogged during our nightmare, to update our families and friends and keep my sanity. I would like to put the blog address out there for these moms, but I don’t want to get a backlash from PRO GARDASIL people. Our nightmare started Feb 02, 2009, lots of unanswered questions until we FINALLY started putting it together. Our world was turned upside down.
        Here is my blog address… I do have it out there to help moms like me, that just do NOT know what to do or where to turn. The blog runs backwards.

        • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_HS2ZGSXPOVUPYW6S5RIGSAVZKM Tom

          What helped? I’ll read through the blog, but where do I jump to read about what helped?

          Our 11yo son has had uncontrollable shaking since November 5, about a week after the 3rd round of Gardasil (on our pediatrician’s recommendation). Dozens of doctors later, no diagnosis.

          • Anonymous

            I am so sorry to hear about your son. However, I’m not the least bit surprised that there’s no diagnosis. There’s a great deal of pressure to avoid diagnosing vaccine harm. In the case of neurological damage, I believe that you are probably better by not asking for conventional medical help, as all that’s on offer is drugs – and they will, ultimately, do more harm than good.

            The most likely cause is aluminum, which is added as an adjuvant. You might consider trying to detox it. Take a look at this video with info on aluminum toxicity in vaccines from the man who is probably the leading expert on the topic: http://bit.ly/vGd5Ib

            Consider seeing a naturopath who is versed in detoxing.

            As the lecturer in the video notes, the detox method he’s found has not been documented in science trials (yet), but his method – absurdly simple – would certainly be a good start. If you read comments below the article, you’ll note that some people have suggested other methods, such as the herb horsetail. However, Chris Exley (of the video) has chimed in with a strong reason to use the water-with-silicic acid, which he says is the most biologically available, though it contains a lesser amount by percentage.

            All the best to you and your son. And please, don’t simply take my word for anything. Do your own checking. I know it’s difficult to find yourself thrust into something like this, but you’ll be stunned at how quickly you can become an expert.

            Does anyone else have suggestions? Please, let us know what you think or have experienced.

          • Anonymous

            I emailed Tom, and will read through the blog to find more information. It hurts my heart to know yet another child is suffering like our daughter did. My best advice is to contact Dr. Mark Flannery in Simi Valley CA He has worked with several Gardasil Girls and Boys. All Natural supplements to heal the body. He breaks it down and explains it very thorough. Very smart man. I honestly feel that he saved Steffanee’s life and gave it back to her. I cannot say enough about how much he helped us. Phone consults. We are located in Missouri, did it all over the phone, did blood, urine and saliva tests local and they shipped them to him. Testimonials on his web site.

          • http://www.facebook.com/people/Theresa-Evans/100002065133875 Theresa Evans

            Tom, Our daughter as well began having seizures #1 in Aug. 2009 after she received her HPV vaccine, and her meningitis vaccine and #2 in Nov 2009; #3 Jan 2010 and #4 in July 2011 although she has only had 4 that we are aware of, it is very scary, she thought she was sleepwalking while at college, she did this on 2 occasions, began looking into what she was doing; then she had an actual seizure while we were on a vacation – and like I said again in July 2011 (this caught us of guard, as we thought she was getting better); she takes Keppra 750 mg twice daily to keep her seizures under control. And we have tried to change the diet to eliminate caffiene and sugar, but being a college student it is difficult to take that all away from her.

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  • Pingback: 12 Girls Struck with Tics in NY: Official Claim Is ‘We Know Why But Won’t Tell’ | Gaia Health

  • http://twitter.com/myworld14502 Dawn Swick

    Each time I hear a news story about these girls I scream at the radio “Have they had the HPV vaccinations?” A couple of years ago there was a video online about a teenage girl who had this type of reaction to the vaccine. I have searched with every term I can think of and cannot find it…. There are not words for my frustration with the system and their “mass hysteria”, “rare phenomena” garbage! God love these girls and heal them, send them love and light! My heart is with the girls and their families!

  • carise99

    The minute I saw the headline for this story on MSN, I KNEW it was the gardasil vaccine. We are the biggest human experiment ever known. The drug companies continue to vaccinate, more and more, year after year, and as we get sicker they see $$$$$$

  • Anonymous

    The Migraine Headache sympton is often caused by Excitotoxins, according to Neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, in his fine book, “Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills”, and Excitotoxins excite the body’s Nerve Cells similar to Tourette Syndrome!

  • Maribelramos2009

    I can relate with this . I live in Danbury ct and my son the hpv vaccine back in oct. 2012 and no one know’s the answer to this… All I can say this happen right after him getting the hpv vaccine… I am still looking for answers. We should all come together and fine answer why our children are having these tics for no reason when there no Tourette history in our families. On top of all this I didn’t give his doctor concent to give him the hpv vaccine ; I told her I would like to do researcher on this before going ahead . I will call to schedule the appointment when I’m ready. When the time came and I made the appointment the nurse told me oh I see that your don is here for his second dose of the hpv vaccine. I told her no this is his first dose and she stated no he got his first dose back in aug. 2012. That’s when I told her that I told the doctor that I would like to think about and do my research to see if this something I would like for my son to have. And to top it all off they never gave me a concent form to sign to give him this vaccine.. I am going to see a malpractice lawyer for this and since doctors are not giving me answers to why he is like this and especially after getting this vaccine.

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Bonnie-Dennis/541072135 Bonnie Dennis

    Our black government is always trying to control the population and have been known to put sterility substances in vaccines. My guess is that they put a substance in the vaccine to sterilize the girls and this substance caused the ticks they are having. That last video admitted the cause had been found but it was linked to the federal government and no one was talking about it. The people who were affected by this abomination need to band together and start a law suit and investigation into it. These mad men need to be stopped!!

  • Pingback: Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: It Should Have Been Predicted | Gaia Health

  • jo sachs

    Hi there
    I am just watching a video abou tthese girls and i instantly drew the same conclusion
    HPV vaccine

    this really should be looked into

  • courageandhope

    I don’t know how or if Gardasil plays into this. It might, but–despite having officially ruled out environmental factors, there was pesticide spraying with neurotoxic pesticide, bifenfrin, on a field with standing water not far from a school sports field. Leroy is only a half-hour from where I live. As I recall from past reading about this, NY law prohibits spraying on fields directly adjacent to the school (and also prohibits spraying where there is “standing water”). This poisonous neurotoxin is one the CDC wanted to spray on homeowners’ lawns for tick control, as a study to see if the rate of Lyme disease went down. With the rate of autism as high as it is, you would think people would finally understand that neurotoxins eventually kill people the say way they kill bugs. People can buy this pesticide in more diluted form for home use; rules are different in each state. The thing is, it builds up in the soil, so limits on strength of concentration don’t mean much. AgeofAutism.com has done several articles on these girls. Here is one: http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/07/tics-and-toxins-new-evidence-raises-pesticide-concerns-in-new-york-state-outbreak.html

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