
Invasive Breast Cancer Up to 144 Times Greater in Women Who Take Hormone Replacement Therapy

October 15, 2011 by admin in Pharmaceuticals with 7 Comments


Woman with Black Pill, PhRMA LogoBreast cancer is one of women’s greatest fears, and invasive breast cancer is its deadliest form. A new, very large study was published by the journal PLoS one documenting an enormous increase in breast cancer in women given hormone replacement therapy. Of particular concern is the increase for women who have taken or are taking combination estrogen and progesterone therapies.

Particularly disconcerting is that combination estrogen-progesterone treatment was instituted when news of potential risks were were first coming out, because it was claimed—obviously without any basis in fact—that it was safer than simple estrogen supplementation.

Yet again, we can see that there is little truth behind claims that conventional medicine is evidence-based.

The study, entitled “Increased Risk for Invasive Breast Cancer Associated with Hormonal Therapy: A Nation-Wide Random Sample of 65,723 Women Followed from 1997 to 2008“, was a nationwide investigation into women of Taiwan who had or are still taking hormone replacement therapies (HRT) for any reason.

Good News/Bad News

The good news is that all excess risk from taking hormone replacement therapy exists only while taking it and for less than six years afterwards. Once a woman has stopped, her excess risk of invasive breast cancer returns to what it would be without taking hormones.

However, the increased risk while taking the drugs and for up to six years is enormously increased. If a woman between 55 and 79 is currently taking both estrogen and progesterone, her risk for developing invasive breast cancer is 144 times greater than if she’d never taken them!

Even disregarding the worst case scenario, the increased risk of invasive breast cancer with any hormone therapy is immense. With estrogen alone, the increased risk before 6 years for women aged 20-79 is a minimum of 2.65 times greater, and increased to 7.73 for women of the same age currently taking it.

The least dangerous is progesterone alone. Next is estrogen alone. Women who had taken estrogen, but then are given both together are at still increased risk. However, the increased risk for women who are taking or have taken both estrogen and progesterone together is enormously increased.

There is no safe form of HRT. All dramatically increase the chance of getting invasive breast cancer, the deadliest form.

The Results

The simplest way to see what was discovered is to present it in tabular format. Data is presented in terms of hazard ratios (HRs). An HR of 1.00 means that there is no increased and no decreased risk. It applies to women who have taken no estrogen or progesterone. An HR of 2.50 would mean that a woman is 2½ times more likely to get invasive breast cancer. The HR of 143.90 means that a woman is nearly 144 times more likely to get the disease.

Type of Hormone Replacement/
Time Since Last Use
Aged 20-79
Aged 55-79
Estrogen Alone
    ≥6 years 1.00 1.00
    4-5 years 2.65 2.93
    1-3 years 4.47 5.94
    Current users 7.73 7.74
Progesterone alone
    ≥6 years 1.00
    4-5 years 1.82
    1-3 years 2.59
    Current users 4.32
Estrogen alone & Estrogen-progesterone combo
    ≥6 years 1.00 1.00
    4-5 years 2.71 7.09
    1-3 years 3.80 9.51
    Current users 8.18 14.58
Estrogen-progesterone combo
    ≥6 years 1.00 1.00
    4-5 years 9.69 13.85
    1-3 years 14.50 43.52
    Current users 61.89 143.90

You may refer to the study itself for complete information.

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  • http://www.facebook.com/arrington.fraser Arrington Fraser

    I would like to point out that this study was done on women taking SYNTHETIC hormone replacement therapy.

    The hormone sources that were referenced in this study are:
    (1) Mare’s urine which contains equilin, a form of estrogen that is foreign to the human body (2) Medroxyprogesterone acetate, a synthetic form of progesterone.

    Studies on bioidentical hormones have been found to be protective against breast cancer.

    Unfortuntely, many women today view ALL hormone replacement therapy as likely to cause breast cancer when that is not true. Bioidentical hormones are completely different than the synthetic hormones.

    • Anonymous

      That is an important point. However, I am not convinced that bioidentical hormones are appropriate for menopause, as it is a normal change of life. When there is a genuine need, it makes sense – but not as a routine for the nonexistent disease of menopause.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_HJLMHIOZNBID63KTDSPFSOY6SM Angela

    I am now in menopause thanks to a radical hysterectomy. I just turned 40 and as my doctor says, my body is not expecting to be in menopause for several more years. He feels it is safe to take a bioidentical hormone until I’m 50. He says my body expects this estrogen, so there is no additional risk. Anyone have any thoughts on this view?

    • Anonymous

      Granted, your body isn’t “expecting” to be in menopause – but the fact is that the reason for the hormone, natural or otherwise, no longer exists, does it?

      When we mess with the hormone balance in our bodies, there is always a knock-on effect. Hormones are not simple. Messing with the body’s natural balance is nearly always a mistake, something to be done only if absolutely necessary. The result of decades of experimentation with estrogen is similar to the equivalent one in casual use of steroids – another set of hormones. Disastrous. Even the use of natural hormones is putting the body into a state that is abnormal. (In case you’re unaware, steroids cause a host of iatrogenic harms, including Cushing’s disease, destroyed hip joints, diabetes.)

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