Conventional Med

MRSA—A Disease of Modern Medicine—Caused Most Child Deaths Blamed on Swine Flu

November 7, 2011 by admin in Vaccines with 2 Comments

MRSA, a disease created by modern medicine, killed most of the children who supposedly died from swine flu. Yet the researchers who discovered it suggest that the solution is … more vaccinations? 

by Heidi Stevenson

MRSA Bacteria, Image from CDC (public domain)

MRSA Bacteria, Image from CDC (public domain)

MRSA, a disease created by modern medicine, is the cause of most deaths in children who get the flu. The US’s largest research project into the issue found that children “co-infected” with methycillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) when they came down with swine flu were most likely to die.

The lead author states:

There’s more risk for MRSA to become invasive in the presence of flu or other viruses.These deaths in co-infected children are a warning sign. 

What’s the warning? Apparently, the authors believe that it’s a warning to get vaccinated. But that’s just a repeat of the sort of thing that’s led us to this point, and it ignores the real warning:

Conventional medicine is moving ever more rapidly down a dead end. It recursively goes back to the same old explanations, using the same old methods, thus taking us towards that dead end ever faster.

Co-infection Explanation

Staph infections are endemic. Most people carry them on their skin. Obviously, most people do not become ill as a result. It takes serious weakening of the immune system or a severe wound that gives deep internal access to the bacteria. Most people who get flu are co-infected with staph. Obviously, most people do not then develop staph infections. That’s because their immune systems are able to prevent it.

However, MRSA is a new variety of staph infection that evolved from regular Staphylococcus aureus as a result of pressure from antibiotics. It’s far more virulent than ordinary staph. Now, it’s so widespread that a large percentage of people carry it endemically; that is, it’s always present on people’s bodies. As with plain staph, it usually doesn’t cause disease, and for the same reasons—our immune systems prevent it.

But, the virulence of MRSA changes the situation. As is clear from the Children’s Hospital Boston research, the presence of swine flu, a fairly mild disease, allows virulent MRSA to take over, though regular staph infections aren’t much of a problem.

Naturally, the typical overkill medical response is making the problem ever worse. The routine approach in hospitals was to give the antibiotic, Vancomycin, to children who’d appeared ill with swine flu even without knowing whether they were co-infected with MRSA or any other bacteria. The Vancomycin didn’t work. The study’s authors surmise that it might be because MRSA “moved too rapidly” or Vancomycin couldn’t “penetrate the lung”. They don’t consider that MRSA is becoming resistant to Vancomycin, along with most other antibiotics.

The Solution?

The authors’ solution? More flu vaccinations, of course! The lead author, Adrienne Randolph, MD, MsC, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, stated:

MRSA is hard to develop a vaccine against. Researchers have been trying since the 1960s and have been unsuccessful. So the only way to prevent these severe complications is to get everyone vaccinated against the flu, and do more studies of MRSA colonization so we can prevent it in the community and in kids.

But, the study did not investigate whether the children who had come down with swine flu had received the vaccination! So, there is no basis on which to claim that vaccinations would help.

The researchers ignore the true issues:

  • What brought us to the point of children dying of MRSA brought on by a mild flu is conventional medicine’s treatments. MRSA exists because of antibiotics, and it’s become rampant because allopathy’s hubris refused to consider natural treatments, such as lavender, Manuka oil, and homeopathy.
  • Vaccines are treated as if they were a magic bullet. Researchers assume—without any evidence—that vaccinating will resolve illnesses. They’re so sure of it that they presume more vaccinations for flu will prevent MRSA infections, in spite of not verifying whether those who died from flu-induced MRSA had been vaccinated!

The Lesson

In a nutshell, we must address the illusions created by conventional medicine. The magic bullets are causing more and more harm, while Big Pharma and Big Medicine profits drench true research to the point of drowning it. Research now serves more to hide reality as it adheres to an unwritten code:

Thou shalt not criticize the sacred golden bullets: Vaccines. Antibiotics. Statins. Antidepressants. Antipsychotics. Anxiolytics. Or any others anointed by the priests of Big Pharma and Big Medicine.

However, if you’re of a more sane bent of mind than most medical researchers appear to be, the true lesson is to avoid these things like the plague—because that’s what they’ve become, a plague. Instead of using them with respect for the risks they entail and the potential of making lives worse, what value they hold is being destroyed by blind obeisance to self-appointed deluded demigods who choose to use them abusively.

The true lesson is to avoid their poisonous treatments and pseudo preventatives. Instead, opt for genuine health. You know, the kind that comes from good food, exercise, and avoiding Big Medicine.


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