
Mobile Phone Radiation Suppresses Brain Metabolism

September 20, 2011 by GaiaHealth in Science with 1 Comment

Child with Mobile Phone Mobile phones have been implicated for inducing brain, but the naysayers protest that it isn’t so. Now, though, we have definitive proof that their radiation suppresses brain metabolism.

A study published in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism investigated the “effects of mobile phone radiation on cerebral glucose metabolism using high-resolution positron emission tomography (PET)”. They found that the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose—the brain’s source of energy—is reduced in the “temporoparietal junction and anterior temporal lobe of the right hemisphere ipsilateral to the exposure”. Translation: Brain function is reduced on the side near the ear where the phone is held. They also found that the same area of the brain gets warmer than normal.

We already have studies showing that mobile phones increase the heart rate of sensitive people and damage DNA. Now, we can see how they harm brains. There can be little doubt about the harmful effects of mobile phones.

Eliminating them from the world is not likely desirable for most of us. However, there is no reason that the risks can’t be addressed and modified. At the very least, they need to be kept away from children. It’s obvious that suppressing brain metabolism on developing brains must result in permanent damage. It is also indicative of a likely explosion in brain cancer over the next few years—and sadly, it will mostly affect young people just starting out in their lives.

Source: GSM mobile phone radiation suppresses brain glucose metabolism

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