
The Banned Rupert Sheldrake TED Talk

April 21, 2013 by admin in Videos with 2 Comments

Science Religion‘The science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving only the details to be filled in.’ Rupert Sheldrake starts his TED Talk with these words, and goes on to state that ‘It’s a belief system.’ His talk is devastating to the foundations of modern science. So it was banned by TED Talks. Why are they so afraid? [18:20]

He goes on with:

But there’s a conflict in the heart of science behind science as a method of inquiry based on reason, evidence, hypothesis, and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or a world view. And unfortunately, the world view aspect of science has come to inhibit and constrict the free enquiry which is the very lifeblood of the scientific endeavor. Since the late 19th century, science has been conducted under the aspect of a belief system or world view which is essentially that of materialism, philosophical materialism. And the sciences are now wholly-owned subsidiaries of the materialist world view. I think that, as we break out of it, the sciences will be regenerated.

And it just gets better:

Sheldrake describes The Ten Dogmas, or assumptions, of science:

  1. Nature is mechanical or machine-like. Everything is a machine, including us.
  2. Matter is unconscious, with the implication that there is no consciousness in anything, including us.
  3. The laws of nature are fixed.
  4. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same—except for the moment of the big bang, when it all sprang into existence at the same moment.
  5. Nature is purposeless.
  6. Biological heredity is material.
  7. Memories are stored inside your brain in material traces.
  8. Your mind is inside your head. All consciousness is the activity of your brain and nothing more.
  9. Psychic phenomena, like telepathy, are impossible. Thoughts and intentions cannot have any effect at a distance because your mind’s inside your head. Therefore, all the apparent evidence for psychic phenomena is illusory.
  10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works. Complementary and alternative therapies cannot possibly work because they’re not entirely mechanistic.

Sheldrake goes on to describe how such dogmatic thinking limits science and leads to absurd assumptions and conclusions.

Rupert Sheldrake is a serious scientist, a biolgist and biochemist with an illustrious career. He’s published more than 80 scientific papers and, in this talk, states, “I’m a total believer in the importance of science. I’ve spent my whole life as a research scientist.” So, again, why is the scientific establishment so concerned about him? Why do they feel he must be suppressed? If they’re so sure of their truth and the foundation of their practice—indeed, if they think it’s a replacement for religion—why must they support it with religious methods?

I personally would add to the discussion the fact that science has been coopted by industry and twisted around the profit motive. It is this, the ultimate tie to materialism, that keeps science tied to a completely mechanistic view of the world, ultimately limiting it and moving it away from, rather than toward, truth. This is why there’s so much pseudo science. Sadly, it’s turned some potentially great thinkers into slaves of industry.

Anyone who can deny evidence by saying that something isn’t true because it can’t be true, is speaking in religious terms, not in the spirit of inquiry. –Heidi Stevenson

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  • fragmeister12

    The video is not banned, of course. TED still has it in their website, along with the caution that Sheldrake’s beliefs are unsupported by science (including, I may add, his own efforts).

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      At the time this article went up, it was banned. It was only because of an outcry that TED backtracked.

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