Conventional Med

New ‘Hope’ to Cure Liver Disease Exposes Modern Medicine’s Fundamental Error

March 9, 2012 by admin in Science with 4 Comments

Death's Head Caduceus with Red ShadowModern medicine’s public relations apparatus constantly pours out stories of new cure hopes, and the media gobbles it up and spews it out. The latest is about a “breakthrough” that could provide the “cure” for liver disease. It’s a vain hope, though. The hope is predicated, like most of the medical industry’s treatments, on a foolish belief that understanding the most minute details of how a cellular process works will show how to fix it.

This is a view of the human body as a machine. If a part doesn’t work right, repair or replace it. The assumption is that the symptom is a result of the body going wrong, so the scientists just need to figure out how to correct the body’s mistake.

But the human body isn’t a machine. It isn’t a matter of mix and match parts. The body is billions of individual life forms – cells – each performing processes acting symbiotically with all the others—a beautifully coordinated community that make up a single living being. Each process informs the others. All of them act—in most instances—in the best possible manner to produce health.

Effort to Find a Cure for Liver Disease

The Independent has reported what’s being called a breakthrough in understanding of liver disease. They wrote:

The latest research, published in the journal Nature Medicine, has unravelled the network of complex biochemical signals that trigger the regeneration of cells within the liver, the body’s main organ for filtering harmful toxins from the bloodstream.

The study’s authors found that a diseased liver slows or stops creating new hepatocytes, instead producing more bile ducts. They’ve decided that this is not what the liver should be doing, and have managed to force genes to alter their behavior so that they revert to the normal production of hepatocytes. They believe that doing so will make the liver healthy again.

The study’s lead author, Luke Boulter from the Medical Research Council’s Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University, stated:

This research helps us to know how to increase numbers of cells that are needed for healthy liver function and could pave the way to finding drugs that help liver repair.

Boulter and the other researchers—along with that vast bulk of modern medicine’s practitioners and researchers—believe that. They ignore that there’s a reason the liver is doing something that isn’t normal in a healthy person. Instead, they focus on forcing the liver to do something different.

The chance of this being effective is minuscule, if not impossible. If the researchers would ask why a liver starts producing bile ducts instead of regenerating hepatocytes, they would see that there is little chance for returning people to health unless they resolve the cause, rather than try to suppress the symptom.

The liver has several functions. Two of the most significant are removing toxins from the body and aiding digestion in the lower intestines. Both of these are carried out by producing bile and releasing it into the digestive tract. What happens when the liver is overtaxed with too much toxic material? Over time, the toxins build up. When they start reaching a critical level, the liver needs to act.

The authors are ignoring the context: that the liver responds to excess toxins by trying to build more paths for bile excretion. An organism cannot survive when the toxic load is too great. Therefore, the liver sacrifices one function for the more immediately critical one. It stops reproducing hepatocytes and uses the resources saved to create bile ducts. The liver is creating more pathways for removal of toxins.

Hepatocytes are responsible for processing toxins, that is, pulling them out of the body. It is, however, pointless if there’s no way to move the toxins out of the liver. That’s where bile ducts come in. They carry the bile, which carries the toxins, from the liver to the lower digestive tract for elimination.

The authors believe that forcing the liver to make hepatocytes, as if the organism were healthy, will return normal function to the liver. However, they are completely ignoring the question of why hepatocytes are replaced by bile ducts in toxic overload. Ignoring that question is pure hubris. The researchers’ believe that they are smarter than the body’s methods of healing—methods developed over millions of years, methods that allow us to exist today.

Instead of seeing that the liver is doing the most life-affirming thing it can under the circumstances, the researchers suggest that the appropriate response is to add a drug – yet another toxin – to the body’s toxic overload.

Big Pharma’s Role

Big Pharma’s clever. They will likely find some chemical that can change some biological marker associated with hepatocyte generation. They will then do studies to show their chemical can create that change in the biomarker.

Let’s call their chemical hepatochoke. They’ll claim that hepatochoke reverses liver disease. However, their research will only show that a biomarker associated with hepatocyte production is improved. They’ll use misleading statements, such as, “Hepatochoke has been proven to be successful in increasing the number of hepatocytes, which have been linked to liver health.” There won’t be any outright lies (usually), though what they’re doing is simply scamming a medical system set up for such scams.

The Fundamental Error: Suppressing Symptoms

When a body part isn’t acting in the manner that it does in health, it’s doing its best to promote health. It isn’t acting against nature. It isn’t broken. It doesn’t need to be repaired. It’s behaving differently because there’s a benefit in doing so. Something is so wrong that behavior different from normal is necessary.

The body may require assistance in healing, but it certainly doesn’t need more toxins in the form of drugs to suppress a healing response.

Trying to suppress a symptom—to make the body behave like it would in healthy homeostasis—is not a means to health. It is, in fact, exactly the opposite. The standard example is fever. When our bodies produce fever, they’re healing themselves. Even  though that’s well understood, the standard response of modern medicine is to bring a fever down. And that, of course, is nearly always a mistake.

That’s why most early reports of medical breakthroughs and drug testing tend not to prove out. Either the product isn’t brought to market or it’s later found to either not work or do more harm than good, or both. Most of modern medicine’s treatments are based on suppressing symptoms, not on working with the body’s healing processes.

Until they realize that suppression of symptoms cannot work—that it is contrary to nature—modern medicine will continue to go round and round with self-deluding breakthroughs that result in dead ends and treatments that do more harm than good.


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  • amaragrace

    Another well-articulated clarification of the folly of the currently dominating allopathic system Heidi…thank you for being such a clear and powerful messenger.

    “Medicine, its practice in general. [1] I was at one time a great lover of the medical profession. . . . I no longer hold that opinion. . . . Doctors have almost unhinged us. . . . I regard the present system as black magic. . . . Hospitals are institutions for propagating sin. Men take less care of their bodies and immorality increases. . . . ignoring the soul, the profession puts men at its mercy and contributes to the diminution of human dignity and self control. . . . I have endeavoured to show that there is no real service of humanity in the profession, and that it is injurious to mankind. . . . I believe that a multiplicity of hospitals is not test of civilization. It is rather a symptom of decay. ~Mahatma Gandhi, The Health Guide, 1965.

    • bellaandmommy

      This article was amazing -so true- suppress symptoms and think we are treating medicine- nothing could be further from the truth- 5 10 years down the line what is always the outcome????? let me see???? further “unseen” damage or damage to another organ or place within the body- for once can we become more like these so called lessor standards od medicine in other countries and actually cure something. My name is Melissa 8 years ago I delivered a child by csection- lucky for me the surgeons left pieces of surgical material and a sponge inside of me- we now know that immediately after the surgery a few pieces were by the liver and created what was diagnosed as hemangiomas since then (actually what it was was surgical material which formed a mass around themselves trying to d what the body does and fight foreign bodies- there was a large object presumably a sponge left mid abdomen which again lucky for me migrated to the the outside of the liver- this is when my problems truly began- the slow ddemise of my body symptoms everywhere from neurological to complete immune issues which led to 8 years of misdiagnosis. Finally there was a doctor or two who suggested but none who have fully stepped up to the plate and figured it out- so little is known in our healthcare system- our “great american” healthcare system whi is said to be so much better than otherr countries- go ahead research retained sponge or foreign body 9 out of 10 articles are written in India, pakistan, afghanistan, etc unbelievable the experience and the knowledge of those doctors over something that should be so known in our countries is not a little bit over ours it is embarrassingly more dominant- not one doctor until recently had figured out because of the location of where the foreign body has migrated “the liver” my health issues have been much more sever and complex because the liver affects everything. It appears if it is removed soon the damage is not reversible- the 20 million dollar answer is if someone who actually is skilled and full of enough knowledge steps up to remove and treat this issue- see thats the other thing because it was on the outside of my liver there will require some type of treatment after but we are lacking the knowledge of how to treat the liver too- i have had to resort to homeopathic/holistic ways to try and treat the liver esp reduce the ammonia levels. Because of the location of the foreign body/bodies it is mimicking liver disease but not in the standard in your face test results- my ammonia level is skyrocketed, my bilirubin has been off and on but not consistent my alt ast and ggt are elevated but not off the charts, my cholestoral and triglycerides have been off the carts and ever since it migrated to the liver i had not a problem prior to that- i lost my gallbladder this year and now there are starting to be changes to the bile duct as well and from reading this article now i understand- the problem is still there so it will continue and will worsen……i sure hope we can get this figured out and maybe help save someone elses life- i would be willing to help for someone elses sake…….. contact me if you would like to use me as a study case or for more info [email protected]

  • Migd

    I disagree with you. On one side, if the liver is under attack and a disease like hepatitis is killing hepatocytes, it is obvious that the liver is being forced to create more bile ducts because is not able to regenerate/repair the damage with healthy hepatocytes. And why is creating more bile duct cells? Simply because it can’t get rid of the toxins due to a lack of hepatocytes. I believe that if you can help your liver to focus on producing hepatocytes that it can’t do now, it will be able to detoxify itself and stop creating more bile duct cells. Your assumption that in a “healthy” individual the liver out of the blue starts to create more bile duct cells is wrong. Most cases when the liver acts like that is due to an infection or alcohol, in other words, because something is really wrong in your body. If you give the liver a little push by helping it to create and replace itself with the right kind of cells (i.e.more hepatocytes that are being killed by i.e. an infection) it will repair itself correctly and there won’t be necessary to create more bile duct cells. Of course, you should also attack the root of the problem (stop drinking, or treat the infection) but I belive that you are confusing people with your statements that because the body is awesome (which I believe too) all medicine and research can go to the toilet. By the way, God gave us brains as part of this awesome body too, and lots of people use it to find a way to understand how the rest of our bodies and organs work so they can discover better ways to heal it. Unfortunately not always happen like we wish, but many times it does too. Good luck!

    • / Heidi Stevenson

      I haven’t suggested that all medicine is bad. Insulin for people with type 1 diabetes is most assuredly a life saver. When used with restraint, antibiotics and steroids can be. When used as a last resort, women in labor are helped. However, most of most of modern medicine most assuredly is bad.

      It’s rare the the body does the wrong thing for healing. Medicine virtually always goes astray when it assumes that. The results are obvious in advice that causes immense harm – such as avoid the sun – and drugs that do immense harm.

      The assumption that the body is doing the wrong thing without knowing it is pure hubris. And that’s precisely what’s going on in this case of liver research. Their first question should have been Why? Why is the liver doing that? Until they can answer that question, they have absolutely no business making an assumption that how the body acts when it’s stressed is inherently wrong – but that’s precisely what they’re doing.

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