
Treat Asthma Naturally With Khella


Ammi visnaga (Bishop’s weed), published under the GNU Free Documentation License.

This is an update of an article from the original Gaia Health:

Asthma is a heartbreaking condition that has become frighteningly common among children. Standard medical treatment uses steroids, exceptionally harsh drugs that tend to have diminishing returns over time, often leaving the sufferer in worse condition, and carrying enormous health risks, including diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and mental illness. Before taking such a gamble with your child’s health, perhaps it would be wise to try the little-known herb called khella.

A member of the parsley and carrot family, Apiacaea, khella has been used for a variety of conditions for thousands of years. It was known in ancient Egypt as a treatment for kidney stones, a condition for which it is still in use today. In our time, with asthma running rampant, khella is the most modern of herbs.

Khella treats asthma by soothing muscle spasms of the bronchial airways. It is a strong vasodilator, acting much like calcium channel blockers—a class of asthma drugs with potentially serious effects, including headaches, urinary tract problems, low white blood cell count, heart failure, weight changes, and mental disorders.

Source of Khella

Khella comes from the fruit of Ammi visnaga, a common plant popularly known as Bishop’s weed. It grows widely and is often known as a weed.

Note: There are a few other closely related plants that are also referred to as Bishop’s weed, so if you’re considering growing your own, be sure to ascertain that the taxonomic name is correct. Similar plants that are called Bishop’s weed include Ammi majusAmmi majus, and Aegopodium podagraria.

It can be purchased as a tincture, tablet, or tea for ingestion, and can also be found as an essential oil. For use as an asthma preventative, either the tincture or tablet form is best. Tea is also good, but less is ingested. It may, though, be advisable to start with tea, and if that’s effective, stay with it.

Other Conditions Treatable With Khella

Khella is a spasmolytic and vasodilatory agent. Therefore, the means by which it can prevent asthma attacks allows it to be effective in other conditions:

  • Kidney stones: Khella’s ability to relax and dilate vessels can help the body pass kidney stones, the condition for which it was first used thousands of years ago.
  • Heart & circulatory system disease: Relaxation and dilation of blood vessels helps the heart pump blood more efficiently and helps prevent artery blockage. Heart conditions helped include angina and atherosclerosis.
  • Vitiligo: Khella heightens the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, which helps to darken areas bleached by vitiligo.
  • Biliary tract colic: Khella’s antispasmodic and dilatory capabilities can ease and prevent the misery of gall bladder attacks.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral: Studies have been done and are in process to determine whether ingredients known to be helpful in treating these infections will be effective in khella.

Considerations of Khella Use

If used according to directions, khella very rarely produces unwanted effects. However, it is important not to take excessive amounts. It contains blood thinning agents, so should be considered contraindicated in anyone with bleeding risks. Long term use at high doses can lead to liver problems, so never take more than the recommended dose.

Khella should be considered an asthma preventive. Khella is not for use in asthma attacks.

Exercise care with sun exposure. As its use for vitiligo indicates, khella increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight.

Khella’s safety during pregnancy has not been established.

The Nearly Secret Anti-Asthma Treatment

This little-known herb, khella has remarkable ability to ease a range of serious and miserable conditions. Asthma is occurring at pandemic rates and people are rashly given very risky drugs that can have permanent and devastating health effects. Though there are some potential problems that can occur from taking this herb, the risks are minimal compared to those of steroids and calcium channel blockers.

Khella’s added benefit of providing effective asthma treatment without ultimately leaving you worse off than you were, as is the case with steroids, could make it the best possible first-line treatment for asthma—and possibly the only one ever needed. Even better, khella works well with other natural asthma treatments, so the effects of others can be added on top.

You should consider khella as the first thing to be tried for asthma. It might well be the only thing needed.

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