Conventional Med

Genetic Engineering in Medicine: Vaccines, Blood Albumin from Rice

Rice bowl, hypodermics pouring out

Graphic concept by Heidi Stevenson. Image may be used with credit & link to original.

Genetic engineering is becoming a major force in conventional medicine. Scientists have announced the development of genetically engineered rice to produce the human blood protein, albumin.

With the hubris typical of conventional medicine’s scientists, they are already describing it as safe, though it has yet to go through any safety testing. Human serum albumin (HSA) has many medical uses, including treatment for serious burns, hemorraghic shock, hypoproteinemia, ascites (edema) in advanced liver cirrhosis, and as an excipient (carrier) in vaccines.

This is far from the first use of genetic modification in vaccines. The vast majority of vaccines developed now utilize genetic engineering to create the vaccine substance. The HPV vaccine is genetically engineered (GE). Every jab with it injects a GE protein from the human papillomavirus that has been grown in yeast.


Through magical thinking, these vaccines are considered safer because they doesn’t use a whole virus. There are, though, some serious reasons to be concerned:

  • These recombinant DNA products have never been studied for safety in any manner. Yet, they’re being injected into girls, and are now being pushed on boys, too.
  • The additional risk of severe allergic reaction, that is, anaphylactic shock, is increased because of proteins from what they’re grown in, such as yeast in the case of HPV vaccines.
  • GE vaccines using only bits of the genetically engineered substance are significantly less effective at triggering antibodies. Therefore, more adjuvant is required and the vaccines must be repeated frequently.

Considering all the extra risks, it’s truly mind boggling that anyone would claim the new genetically engineered vaccines are safer! And soon they may be adding yet another aspect to vaccines: genetically engineered albumin.

GE Vaccines Are Commonplace

While we’ve all been concerned about Monsanto’s genetically modified crops, a revolution has been taking place in Big Pharma using the same technology. It has gone through no safety testing. These products are being used on masses of people every single day. And the rate of use is increasing at an enormous pace, including (but not limited to):

  • Most influenza vaccines.
  • The recently developed malaria vaccine.
  • Rabies vaccines given to pets.
  • The West Nile vaccine given to horses.
  • BioThrax, the anthrax vaccine that may be mass tested on America’s children.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • The addiction vaccines—so far unsuccessful, though heavily promoted.
  • Chicken pox.

Mass GE Vaccinations Are Not an Experiment

It is not true that every child who receives the “advised” and often coerced childhood vaccines is involved in a mass experiment. If it were true, there would be a study associated with it, or at least a system to record and follow up on every possible adverse effect. But that isn’t happening. In fact, quite the opposite goes on.

When has anyone about to receive a vaccination been informed that the stuff they’re going to stab into your body holds a genetically engineered product—and soon will likely hold more than one, if the albumin rice gets to market. At this point, there doesn’t seem to be much in their way.

Take note of the fact that the Encyclopaedia Britannica now promotes recombinant DNA vaccines. Recombinant DNA—genetic engineering—is being treated by the media, doctors, researchers, and officials in health agencies as standard operating procedure, not even worth mentioning to the public.

Not Just Vaccines

GE vaccines have never been studied for safety. The risk of severe allergic reaction is significantly increased. They require more adjuvants. They must be repeated frequently. And vaccines are just one medical arena where genetic engineering has taken over the methodology. We now find the technology in:

  • Insulin for diabetics.
  • Human growth hormone.
  • Blood clotting drugs for hemophiliacs.
  • Follistim, used to stimulate ovaries to release eggs in infertile women—and they wonder why these babies don’t, on average, do as well as normally conceived children!.
  • Development of genetically modified pigs to use for organ replacements in humans.

Have you been part of the genetic engineering revolution without knowing it? It’s bad enough that the FDA doesn’t believe we’re entitled to know when foods contain genetically modified organisms. But the technology has already taken over much of conventional medicine. How many doctors have bothered to tell their patients before giving them drugs and vaccines that are adulterated with chimeric ingredients?

The first genetically engineered drug was insulin, approved by the FDA in 1982. The field has exploded since then. The first genetically engineered vaccine was approved in 1981. It was Hepatitis B, the one that’s mandated for newborn babies in some states, and often automatically given to them without their parents’ approval.

It’s been since the ’80s that the rates of autism and other chronic childhood illnesses have skyrocketed. It had been increasing over the previous 2 or 3 decades, but exploded during the ’80s. Something is causing this pandemic of ill health among children and young adults. How much of it could be related to the genetically engineered drugs being foisted upon us, without so much as a by-your-leave?

Apparently, the viewpoint of the FDA, CDC, and NIH is that we should never know. They’ve simply labeled genetically engineered foods, drugs, and vaccines as GRAS—generally recognized as safe. But it’s a lie. There is no basis on which to make such a claim, and piles of evidence documenting enormous dangers.

The evidence of harm in our children keeps mounting—while the authorities wear blinders, clap their hands over their ears, and chant, “It’s safe it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe…” as if saying it often enough, loudly enough, and with the right inflection of condescension makes it so.


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