
Ecstasy: Claims of Brain Damage Based on Junk Science

October 16, 2011 by admin in Politics with 0 Comments
Mirth by talented artist & homeopath Gina Tyler (http://ginatyler.com)

Mirth, by talented artist & homeopath Gina Tyler (http://ginatyler.com)

Gaia Health is going on a tangent. Pharmaceutical drugs are nearly always harmful. What little good they do is generally overshadowed by their harm. However, there are legal drugs, and there are illegal drugs. How do they compare in terms of risks?

As has been shown recently in the case of ecstasy, the claims of illegal drug dangers are mostly bunk. A recent study on ecstasy, the rave drug MDMA, “does not wreck the mind“, as the title of a Guardian article states.

Gaia Health doesn’t claim that a drug is safe because it’s illegal—but Gaia Health does ask why the drugs that do the most harm are pushed by Conventional Medicine—as has been true of HRT so-called therapy—while relatively harmless drugs, like marijuana and ecstasy, are subject to claims of danger and suppressed by governments.

The Study

A study entitled “Residual neurocognitive features of long-term ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs” examined ecstasy users with a “battery of 15 neuropsychological tests tapping a range of cognitive functions”. They found little evidence that the drug causes any cognitive dysfunction.

The study’s lead researcher, John Halpern, has stated that four primary problems in earlier research existed:

  • Non-ecstasy users who had also been subjected to the same cognition-harming factors of sleep and fluid deprivation were not included.
  • Test participants were not screened for drug and alcohol use on the day of testing.
  • Habitual users of other drugs were not excluded.
  • Mental impairment that might have pre-existed ecstasy use was not investigated.

It’s as if previous researchers set out to design studies intended to reach specific conclusions, not to find out the truth. That seems likely, because even Halpern found it necessary to find some sort of harm in ecstasy:

Ecstasy consumption is dangerous: illegally-made pills can contain harmful contaminants, there are no warning labels, there is no medical supervision…while we found no ominous, concerning risks to cognitive performance, that is quite different from concluding that ecstasy use is ‘risk-free.

So, Halpern found danger in ecstasy because it’s illegal—not because of something inherently dangerous in the drug. Could he have realized that not making such a statement would risk funding for future research?

Implications for Other Illegal Drugs

Clearly, what we’re seeing is the systematic vilification of drugs deemed illegal, while at the same time studies gloss over and even hide the adverse effects of drugs that pharmaceutical corporations want to sell.

The primary illegal drug example is marijuana. It has a multitude of beneficial effects, including maintaining the sight of glaucoma patients far better than any other known treatment. It’s highly effective as a pain killer in many patients who cannot gain relief from any other method. Claims of dangers from it have never proven to be true. Yet, marijuana is routinely vilified. Governments all over the world have declared it illegal and dangerous. The United States is currently on a vendetta against all sales operations and patients in states that have made it legal for medical uses.

Many mind-altering drugs, such as LSD and ayahuasca, are banned in spite of no legitimate evidence of harm. These drugs all have certain characteristics in common, though:

  • People take pleasure from them, and
  • They come from nature, not chemistry.

These distinctions are ones that have, until recently, made them unavailable to Big Pharma as Big Profit items. They also undermine the control of governments.

Big Pharma could not patent these gifts of nature, so their benefits needed to be kept from the people. Otherwise, they can be used as medicine, thus competing with Big Pharma’s drugs. And that, of course, is anathema to the entire corporate motivation of profits first and foremost. Anything that can get in the way of profits must be crushed.

So, these drugs are crushed. They’re made illegal. Those who could benefit from them are lied to—told that they have no medicinal uses. Those who would simply take pleasure in them are vilified and imprisoned. And junk science is used to support these false concepts.

The Changing Times

Times are changing with regard to illegal drugs, and sadly, not for the better. Big Pharma has found itself in a trap. Their golden age of antibiotics and new blockbuster drugs is ending. The true dangers in antibiotics are finally becoming known to the public, and there are very few genuinely new drugs in the pipeline. So far, the hoped-for benefits of genetic research have proven elusive for pharmaceutical firms—with the single unfortunate exception of new methods of rapidly and cheaply creating new vaccines.

So, they’ve set their eyes on nature’s miracles and have set in place methods for taking them over. Step one has been to make anything that comes from nature illegal and to create an image of danger from nature’s bounty.

This was applied first to drugs and plants that give people pleasure. Now, though, it’s being applied to all medicinal herbs, which will soon be illegal for common people—you and me—to access, unless we gain the approval of a doctor, by way of prescription, and pay the exorbitant prices exacted by Big Pharma.

It’s already started. While the Fed goes after state-legalized marijuana dispensaries in California and the IRS disallows legitimate business expenses, based on marijuana being illegal at the federal level, pharmaceutical firms are lining up to sell distillations of marijuana.

The result is that access to marijuana and other drugs and herbs deemed illegal is criminalized. At the same time, Big Pharma is making versions that are generally less healthy, stripped of the essence of their sources—that is, the whole plant—and often dangerous. And we are legally allowed to use only inferior and extremely expensive versions of what had once been freely available as gifts of nature or, as in the case of ecstasy, originally created by a pharma giant, but now in the public domain.

And never, not ever, are we allowed to use a drug or plant for pleasure.

The Goal

At the behest of Big Pharma, governments have stepped in to deprive us of the freedom to manage our own bodies and minds as we see fit. It’s been a gradual process, but we’re now in the end-stages.

We individuals are not deemed mature enough to make our own decisions about what to ingest. Governments have taken over our rights to manage our own bodies. There is little honesty in that process. Fake trials are run to reach predetermined results. Lies are told over and over, and as Hitler noted, the repetition becomes seen as truth.

As a result, people have lost their rights to manage their own health and to access the bounty of nature. Those rights are being replaced with junk science, junk food, and junk medicine. Indeed, whatever Big Pharma and Agribusiness want to foist on us, based on whatever increases their profits, is what we are being forced to accept. The results on our health, well-being, and pleasure are not their concern.

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